Are you in the top 1% of MSPs?

If you’re baking critical infrastructure protection into your Master Service Agreement (MSA), you’re already ahead of most MSPs.

But are you maximizing the revenue-earning potential of this powerful strategy?
Review this checklist to find out!

I include Workstation Assurance and Infrastructure Protection as talking points in my sales presentations.

When everyone understands, everyone wins. Help your clients understand the risks of unprotected infrastructure by presenting Infrastructure Protection and Workstation Assurance as essential services. Download our Resource Package for client-friendly sales materials, which includes a one-pager and PowerPoint deck.

I've integrated Infrastructure Protection and Workstation Assurance into my MSA template to include it for every new client automatically.

Making Infrastructure Protection and Workstation Assurance a requirement of engaging your services is as easy as including line items for coverage in your MSA template. We've got a sample you can copy and paste into your MSA — download the Resource Package to grab it.

Clients and prospects who decline Infrastructure Protection and Workstation Assurance must agree to our Risk Acknowledgement Form to engage my MSP's services.

Ensuring no unmet expectations is crucial to delivering a high standard of client care. Download our Resource Package for a Risk Acknowledgement Form, which you can use to provide total clarity for both parties.

I automate warranty lookup and procurement with Lifecycle Manager.

You could be saving hours per week with Lifecycle Manager. Read the case study to learn how SUCCESS Computer Consulting streamlined their warranty lookup and procurement process.

I control the markup on infrastructure protection on a customizable, client-by-client basis.

Make infrastructure protection more profitable using Lifecycle Manager. Download our Resource Package for a talk track template you can use as a starting point for personalized client conversations about protecting their equipment.

Secure your spot at the top

Top-performing MSPs know how to maximize the value of standardized coverage for their clients. Our free Resource Package gives you the tools to take your processes to the next level. Download includes:

• MSA template
• Risk Acknowledgement Form
• Client-facing one-pager, PowerPoint, and talk track
• White labeled spec sheets

Download the resources