Lifecycle managerProduct backup radarLifecycle insights for navigation links visualizationCognition360Control Map

See How Compliance Automation Helps MSPs Fly Through QBRs with Confidence.

Bring relevance and engagement to MSP QBRs with automated reports from ControlMap. Book a demo to see how easy it is to share cybersecurity compliance data in visual updates for your clients.

Automation is a vital part of the origin story for every compliance hero. Unlock the impact for your MSP adventure.
Book Demo

ControlMap for Automated QBRs

ControlMap is a compliance automation platform that provides all the content, organization, and automation to satisfy various security framework requirements.

With ControlMap, you can quickly generate QBR reports that spark meaningful conversations about your clients’ security compliance posture.

Bridge the communication gap in seconds ControlMap. Your demo includes how to:

Cognition360 finding the right data
Manage client access to a dynamic, real-time view of compliance
Generate color-coded reports to communicate with clarity
See your clients’ compliance status at-a-glance across key frameworks
Cognition360 can help you benchmark
See your clients’ compliance status at-a-glance across key frameworks
Cognition360 targets
Account for every datapoint, control, document, and risk, all in one centralized platform

Book your ControlMap demo today
