Lifecycle managerProduct backup radarLifecycle insights for navigation links visualizationCognition360Control Map
Chief Technology Officer

Take strategic planning to the next level

Give your team the best tools for developing enhanced policies, services, and strategic plans for employees and customers alike.

What do MSP CTOs need to know?

ScalePad’s tools can help MSPs improve best practices

With Lifecycle Manager and Backup Radar, improve internal processes to give your customers an amazing experience with your MSP. Leverage templates, automation and white-label reports, Scorecards and Roadmaps to save time and impress clients.

Technology strategy, development, and implementation

Rate client infrastructure with the Digital Maturity Index™

Lifecycle Manager’s Digital Maturity Index (DMI™) allows you to benchmark the overall health of your client’s infrastructure with a dynamic, unbiased score. Integrated with Scorecards, DMI serves as a vital metric for clients to understand their tech and develop long-term planning to keep their equipment updated.

Get the right data for strategic planning

Take a data-driven approach to business planning with ScalePad. Develop internal strategies for your MSP and work with clients on their future technology and business plans through Lifecycle Manager and Backup Radar’s comprehensive reporting and Roadmaps.

Key benefits for MSP CTOs

Strategize icon for planning and brainstorming

Standardize best practices

Backup Radar and Lifecycle Manager integrate into your MSP’s workflow to help you standardize backup monitoring and asset management across your unique set of clients.

Fine-tune your MSP’s efficiency

With real-time asset and backup monitoring, see the impact of your services and identify areas that need improvement — whether it’s immediate or years into the future.

IT oversight for managing operations

Data-driven research and development

Automated and accurate asset and backup monitoring helps you identify trends in client environments. This assists CTOs in developing new products and services for those needs.

Luis Alvarez
Alvarez Technology Group

Why Alvarez Technology Group Puts Client Security First

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Giving your team the tools to succeed

Lifecycle Manager

  • Efficient and automated asset lifecycle reporting
  • Improves communication with clients with Scorecards, Roadmaps, and reports
  • Integrate with 30+ MSP tools and 40+ OEMs to efficiently update data
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Backup Radar

  • Centralize oversight of backups
  • Consolidate ticket workflow
  • Easily catch any failed or missed backups
  • Expand your reporting and compliance
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Want to learn more?

ScalePad Evolves To Help MSPs Scale And Automate Their Business

ScalePad has evolved as a critical source for managed service providers to gain insight into their clients' assets and backup environments.
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