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ScalePad’s Automation Solution Handbook
Discover why MSPs consider Lifecycle Manager and Backup Radar as the most valuable apps in their stack. 
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Hindsight is 20/20, but the future is 360

Predictive Business Intelligence for ConnectWise PSA

ConnectWise PSA ticket data is transformed into operational and financial insights by Cognition360 so you can course-correct your MSP as it grows. Get more efficient, earn higher profits.
You'll get 30 days to love it or get your investment back. Learn more.
Watch a 6-minute Cognition360 demo
Increase revenue
12% increase in profitability in one year.
How TechPath Did it

Dan Rutter
Service Manager at TechPath

Follow the path of lost dollars and cents

Map out your customer agreements to see exactly where costs add up. Spot overarching trends and drill into the data to uncover the root of the problem.

Agreements, customers, services, projects – see where you’re expending resources, and where you’re actually making money.

Improve your MSP’s profitability

Better information for better decisions

Understand how your business is functioning and where it’s heading as it matures. Keep your KPIs on track and run a more efficient business with data you can trust.

Fine tune your MSP’s service delivery

Get out of 2D dashboards and drill into reports

Cognition 360 Reports

130+ Reports

A better way to look at your ConnectWise data.

Right from day one you’ll have access to MSP-requested reports that provide unparalleled business intelligence insights.

Cognition360 Data analysis

Drill Down

See what’s happening beneath the surface.
Drill through reports and views to get into the gritty details. See what’s driving or hindering your finances or operations.
Cognition360 finding the right data


Look at reports in a new light to find insights.
Many reports offer different views so you can peel back layers of data to unveil the ‘why’ of what’s going on.
Cognition360 can help you benchmark


Standards to strive for based on your data.
Discover where you’re falling short compared to best-in-class standards developed from historical Cognition360 data.

Benchmarks based on real data

C360 handshake
partners rated
C360 Checklist
projects evaluated
C360 stopwatch
time entries scored
C360 bell
tickets analyzed

Ready to strike gold on business intelligence?

If you have historical ConnectWise ticket data and a spare Microsoft PowerBI license, you can get started with Cognition360.
See Pricing