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MSP Confidential

A weekly live stream podcast with ScalePad’s Luis Giraldo

Psst! Have you heard?
Luis Giraldo is hosting a weekly rendezvous with experts and industry insiders. Join Luis as they divulge hidden strategies and ‘confidential’ insights. Get in-the-know with tips and advice you can apply to your MSP business!
Fridays at 12pm PT / 3pm ET
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About your host

Luis Giraldo
Chief Experience Officer, ScalePad

Not only is Luis the CXO at ScalePad, but this MSP and SaaS stalwart has his finger on the pulse of this ever-changing industry. His experience in leadership roles at Ook, IT Glue and N-able means he has the chops to tackle any new and emerging challenge the industry faces, dissect it, and pass on some actionable insights.

Check out past recordings below, or on the MSP Confidential YouTube Channel

MSP Confidential: Alykhan Jetha, CEO of Marketcircle

I'm positively giddy to welcome Alykhan Jetha—or AJ, as we all know him—to the livestream.

AJ is the CEO at Marketcircle, one of my favorite Canadian companies. Founded in 1999, Marketcircle ...
created Daylite, the leading Mac-powered CRM. But Daylite was born from a .com pivot, so we'll certainly get into this origin story and much more!

Come join AJ and me for this conversation.
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