ScalePad Automation Solution Handbook cover
ScalePad’s Automation Solution Handbook
Discover why MSPs consider Lifecycle Manager and Backup Radar as the most valuable apps in their stack. 
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MSP Backup Dashboards

Customize your dashboards to keep every client backup in sight

See more of what you need and no extras. Fine tune your MSP backup dashboards and audit screens for optimal backup monitoring.

Dashboards with all the right data

With over 300 integrations, Backup Radar’s dashboards give you one place to check your client backup health, regardless of what’s in your stack. Once configured, you’ll have a full view of your clients’ environments and backup results at a glance.

Take inventory with the audit screen

Check the Backup Radar audit screen to help you spot anomalies or trends across your backup results. This macro-view shows the status of your backups over time so you can look for weak points before complete failures occur.
Backup Radar is simple to set up and maintain. It has saved us 2-4 hours of technician time per day. It has improved our backup checking processes across our whole client base, and given our management team a tool to easily track and verify backups.
Phil Cuykendall
Sr. Systems & DR Engineer, Warren Systems Group

Share your dashboards

Communicate risk with your clients or share insights with your internal teams using the share feature. Share your dashboard or audit screen directly with clients and co-managed accounts via a URL specifically generated for access to your chosen dashboard.

“No Result” Status

“No results” monitoring alerts you to the absence of a backup status. When things don’t go as planned, we help you get a step ahead so you can find the root cause sooner.

Fine-tuned customization

Tailor your Backup Radar dashboard to fit your unique workflow and client base. View by client, device, job or other tags so you can group related results.

Increased Efficiency

Avoid spending valuable technician time manually sifting through backup results. Take control of your time and focus on projects that add value for your clients.