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How TeamLogic IT Simplified Asset Disposal to Improve the Client Experience and Generate Pure Margin

Published April 12, 2024

Years ago, Brendan Cosgrove sat at his desk as a colleague rushed in searching for a first-aid kit. One of his coworkers attempted to destroy old hard drives with an impact drill. Unfortunately, the drill got away from him and he cut his hand.

This injury resulted from their tedious (and dangerous) hardware disposal process. IT asset disposal had become more than just a headache. Cosgrove always knew their disposal process needed an overhaul. But, let’s face it — asset disposal isn’t the core feature of their IT services. It was never high enough on the priority list to address.

However, asset disposal shouldn’t be an afterthought. It’s a critical feature for MSPs who want to provide clients with end-to-end asset management services throughout the entire asset lifecycle. Without responsible, efficient asset disposal, you’re only doing part of the job. Cosgrove knew he’d eventually have to update the process — or stop offering the service. That’s when he discovered ScalePad IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) in Lifecycle Manager. 

The Partner:
TeamLogic IT

TeamLogic IT offers technology support services in Mission Viejo and Laguna Hills, California. For over 15 years, TeamLogic IT has provided outsourced technology services and responsive IT support. As COO at TeamLogic IT, Cosgrove manages internal operations and drives business growth. He’s responsible for optimizing processes to “wow” clients and maintain profitability. 

TeamLogic IT has a track record of delivering elevated IT services to its clients. They provide peace of mind — clients know their systems are safe, secure, and in good hands. Their offering includes IT asset disposal, which ensures the destruction of client data and disposal of hardware.

The Problem:
A Tedious (and Dangerous!) IT Asset Disposal Process

Businesses rarely want to spend money on equipment disposal — they prefer to invest in new assets. However, asset disposal is a feature clients expect from their MSP as part of asset lifecycle management. It is also a uniquely tricky process to standardize. MSPs must consider the varied disposal requirements across devices and brands. Every client is unique. Some clients want to dispose of a handful of devices. Others have a storeroom full of old desktops, laptops, cables, and hardware. 

“Whenever we go to a new client, we do an onboarding,” Cosgrove explains. “The first thing we want to do is make the server room and network room our own. We went to one recently and they had a ton of junk.”  Each server could contain sensitive data. 

TeamLogic IT tapped a third-party partner to process and recycle legacy tech. Due to lengthy wait times for disposal and recycling, Cosgrove had to store client equipment until the disposal service provider would take it. It was a tedious task for Cosgrove, but one he offered his clients for many years.

“We’d often have to wait weeks or months before our partner could pick up and dispose of client equipment. We’d have to store it,” Cosgrove adds. The entire process became a headache for him — one he wanted to avoid.  

Storing these legacy assets long-term poses a security risk to clients. TeamLogic IT’s team would drill client hard drives to protect vulnerable data until their Partner could process it. Evidently, not all IT techs are handy — the physical destruction process posed its own risks.

As a result of these challenges, TeamLogic IT halted disposal services. Instead, they referred clients to a partner who managed disposals for them. The burden fell on their clients to coordinate — something clients did not want to handle themselves. This raised tension between Cosgrove and his clients. He determined that TeamLogic IT must offer this service, but they needed a simplified solution.

The Solution:
On-Demand, Sustainable IT Asset Disposal in Lifecycle Manager

Fortunately, Cosgrove had access to Lifecycle Manager. He leveraged the built-in IT Asset Disposal service to simplify his MSP’s asset disposal process.

One huge standout that attracted Cosgrove to ScalePad’s solution: it would cost TeamLogicIT nothing. ITAD services are free for Lifecycle Manager Pro users on a current term subscription.

TeamLogic IT now charges clients a flat fee for computer setups through to the end of the asset lifecycle. This includes a specific line item for disposals. ITAD services provide a flexible, automated process to support individual and bulk disposals. MSPs can collect, pack, and transport client devices to the disposal facility without lifting a finger (or an impact drill that can impact your hand). The burden is no longer on TeamLogic IT to do this manually — it’s as simple as a few clicks in Lifecycle Manager. 

“ITAD makes that cleanup so easy,” Cosgrove says. “We just place the order and it gets picked up. Their service is fantastic.” With on-demand asset disposal, MSPs can dispose of assets immediately — no more stockpiling legacy equipment.

For security and compliance, on-demand disposal means TeamLogic IT no longer has to store old devices for clients. Each asset disposal includes a certificate of disposal following industry-leading NIST 800-88 standards. The streamlined process is much more secure and helps prevent sensitive data leaks. 

The Results:
A New Revenue Stream that Generates Pure Margin (and Social Good!)

ScalePad ITAD services reduced the time and labor TeamLogic IT invested in client asset disposal. Cosgrove can now focus his time and energy on optimizing processes and delivering a better client experience.

With ITAD services in Lifecycle Manager, TeamLogic IT added asset disposal to its standard offering at no extra cost to themselves. They charge clients a standard fee up front with a line item for disposals, allowing them to mark up the service and generate pure profit.

“Now, we charge a fixed fee for computer setups that includes everything,” Cosgrove says. “We’ve rolled out a line item for old workstation disposal. It won’t be a giant revenue stream, but it will be pure margin. That’s another push on the profitability flywheel.”

ITAD services also ensure client assets don’t end up in a landfill. These devices are full of recyclable materials, requiring careful and responsible disposal. ITAD services include an added perk: for every order processed, ScalePad’s partner Veritree plants up to 10 trees. 

“We like it from a security standpoint and we like it from a social good standpoint,” says Cosgrove. “It’s become a part of our DNA… It’s ingrained in how we operate.”  

Want to simplify IT Asset Disposal and add a line item that generates pure profit? See how it works in Lifecycle Manager – try it in the app today.
