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Your Backups Are Failing!

Your Backups
Are Failing!

Backup failures can kill your MSP and ruin your life (no, that’s not an exaggeration). Find out what your backup solution isn’t telling you — identify gaps in your backup process with this Data Protection Checklist.
Avoid Backup Disaster

Today’s Top Story: Backup Failures

Cyber attacks, environmental disasters, and human error can all cause catastrophic data loss. When that happens to your clients, you need a backup solution in place to restore their data.

But if your clients’ backups fail, you fail. They will blame you, and you will lose business — possibly YOUR business. Lost data leads to lost clients and can result in litigation, expensive legal fees, and reputational damage.

The harsh reality is… you’re messing this up, and you don’t even know it.

Unfortunately, 12% of backups fail daily. And the scarier thing is… you don’t even realize they’re failing!

That’s why backup protection is a two-part process: first, you need a proper backup solution, then you must continuously test and monitor your backups to ensure they are working as intended.

“But I already have a backup solution”

of those who experience data loss never fully recover that data

That’s a great start! But there’s a significant gap between having a backup solution and performing complete data restoration. Unfortunately, 58% of those who experience data loss never fully recover that data after they restore it. Even if you’re confident you have an effective backup solution in place, your clients can still suffer irrecoverable data loss in the event of an incident. And it will be your fault.

“Wait, back up. You’re saying my backups aren’t actually backing up?”

of failed backups are due to human error

Yes, that’s exactly what we’re saying. Many MSPs are overconfident in their backup tools and think their process is infallible. Others fail to account for human error, which makes up as much as 74% of failed backups.

Unfortunately, most MSPs don’t realize there are gaps in their process (usually because they don’t know what to look for). And these gaps can lead to catastrophic data loss before you ever know there’s a problem.

So how can YOU find the gaps in your backup process?

“My dashboard says everything is fine”

Sure, your dashboard identifies successful and failed backups. But what about stalled backups? These are likely going unreported. Remember, no news is not good news! No Results Monitoring identifies the gaps in your process — the backups that don’t trigger a “Success” or “Failure” notification. If you don’t have this function, you’re blind to potential gaps. That means critical data is likely not backed up and can’t be restored later

“That won’t happen to me or my clients”

of ransomware attacks target businesses with <1,000 employees

It’s not a matter of if, but when. You might think you and your clients are too small or “under the radar” to be the victim of a cyber attack… False! 82% of ransomware attacks target businesses with fewer than 1,000 employees. Large enterprises have the resources and expertise to protect their data, but small businesses often lack this essential infrastructure. This actually makes you and your clients more vulnerable to a cyberattack or damaging event.

of those who experience data loss never fully recover that data

“But I already have a backup solution”

That’s a great start! But there’s a significant gap between having a backup solution and performing complete data restoration. Unfortunately, 58% of those who experience data loss never fully recover that data after they restore it. Even if you’re confident you have an effective backup solution in place, your clients can still suffer irrecoverable data loss in the event of an incident. And it will be your fault.

“My dashboard says everything is fine”

Sure, your dashboard identifies successful and failed backups. But what about stalled backups? These are likely going unreported. Remember, no news is not good news! No Results Monitoring identifies the gaps in your process — the backups that don’t trigger a “Success” or “Failure” notification. If you don’t have this function, you’re blind to potential gaps. That means critical data is likely not backed up and can’t be restored later

of failed backups are due to human error

“Wait, back up. You’re saying my backups aren’t actually backing up?”

Yes, that’s exactly what we’re saying. Many MSPs are overconfident in their backup tools and think their process is infallible. Others fail to account for human error, which makes up as much as 74% of failed backups.

Unfortunately, most MSPs don’t realize there are gaps in their process (usually because they don’t know what to look for). And these gaps can lead to catastrophic data loss before you ever know there’s a problem.

of ransomware attacks target businesses with <1,000 employees

“That won’t happen to me or my clients”

It’s not a matter of if, but when. You might think you and your clients are too small or “under the radar” to be the victim of a cyber attack… False! 82% of ransomware attacks target businesses with fewer than 1,000 employees. Large enterprises have the resources and expertise to protect their data, but small businesses often lack this essential infrastructure. This actually makes you and your clients more vulnerable to a cyberattack or damaging event.

So how can YOU find the gaps in your backup process?

Introducing Backup Radar

Backup Radar makes data protection more accurate, efficient, and transparent. It takes the time-consuming tasks of managing client backups and automates the process.

Backup Radar’s key features include:

No Results Monitoring
Identify backups that get hung or stalled and don’t trigger a “Failure” or “Success” notification

Automatic “Intelligent” Ticketing
Open, auto-append, and close tickets

300+ Backup Application Integrations
Compatible with 300+ apps for convenient automated backups of all data and assets

Cognition360 targets

A Centralized Dashboard
View all of your backup data in one place

Scheduled Reports
Keep your clients engaged with daily, weekly, or monthly reports

With Backup Radar, you can see all your client backups at a glance. And with No Results Monitoring, you don’t have to worry about missing out on failed and hung backup jobs. See only what’s actionable and be proactive in remediation — sifting through ticket noise is a thing of the past. All of this helps you get hours of your technician’s day back.

Want to see Backup Radar in action?

Check out our 2-minute demo for a quick look at how you can use automated backup features to elevate your data monitoring process.
Watch 2-minute Demo Video

You Need to Test and Verify Backups Regularly

“The thing that keeps me up at night, aside from cyber security: backups. Let’s take this back. You have a cyber event, and you’ve lost your data. How are you going to get that back? Where’s your reputational risk? It all ties together, but I could not imagine not offering backups.

How many MSPs are checking those backups? It’s not enough just to say you’re offering backups. Are you actually checking those backups? Are you verifying the data? Are you pulling and restoring to do those tests? And are you showing that to your customers?”

Carrie Green
SVP of Operations, Alt-Tech Inc.

Ready to see if there are gaps in your backup monitoring process?

Check out the Data Protection Checklist to perform a self-audit.

Get The Checklist


Why should I use Backup Radar?

Backup Radar automates your organization’s backup monitoring and data protection processes, removing the burden of performing these time-intensive tasks manually. This saves your team time and helps protect against backup failures caused by human error.

What is No Results monitoring? And how does it work?

No Results monitoring alerts your organization to backups that get stalled or go unreported — the ones that don’t trigger a “success” or “failure” notification. With other backup tools, these gaps can go under the radar and cause significant vulnerabilities without you ever knowing there is a problem. Backup Radar will alert you to backups that are not completed, so you can identify gaps in your process and address them accordingly.

What software does Backup Radar integrate with?

Backup Radar integrates with over 300 applications, so you can rest assured knowing all of your data (and your clients’ data) is backed up and stored securely. See the full list of integrations here.

Where are your cloud servers hosted?

Our cloud services are hosted in Microsoft Azure and are geo-redundant. These data centers have been audited to SOC 1/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402 standards and meet PCI DSS Level 1 and HIPAA requirements. For more information, click here.

What type of uptime does Backup Radar provide?

Backup Radar was designed for 99.999% service availability with geo-redundant storage and databases on the Azure platform. Since its inception, we have never had an outage lasting more than 30 minutes.
