Quarterly Business Reviews

Decrease preparation time, increase client engagement

Whether they're quarterly, monthly, or yearly, you can have better business reviews by using Lifecycle Manager before, during and after client meetings.

Visibility leads to strategy

With greater visibility into your clients' IT environment, you’ll see the real issues before heading into a QBR meeting. With Scorecards and DMI, you can show clients an unbiased overview of their environment and how to improve it. Now you can discuss strategies — rather than simply reading off reports.

Planning for the future

To be a strategic MSP you need to look past time-sensitive fixes and towards future IT infrastructure upgrades. Identify risks that need attention now and in the next quarter with Roadmaps and Insights. Use your QBR meetings to focus on discussing a plan to address current and future needs before they’re a problem.

How TransformITive Revitalized Its QBRs With ScalePad

Read the case study

Display your data and find new solutions

MSPs have plenty of data on the environments they manage. Lifecycle Manager’s asset reports and data-based Scorecards help MSPs and their clients easily see where vulnerabilities may exist in their IT environment. Get the breakdown on age, warranty, status, alongside recommendations for solutions and projected costs to address outstanding issues.

Set projects in motion

After discussing next steps, it’s time to tackle them. Impress your clients with a quick follow-up to keep the conversation going. Avoid delays by automating proposals to help you quickly send your clients all the information they need to move forward with simple projects. Collaborate with clients to build Roadmaps to outline the quarterly schedule for projects up to years in advance.

Mastering the QBR Process

Mastering the QBR Process

To get the most out of your QBRs, you need to be thinking in a strategic way. Learn more about how to evaluate and set goals, how to prepare for the QBR meeting, what goes into a QBR presentation, and the types of communication habits you need to establish. 
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